Can You Hear Me Now?

The ability to not only effectively communicate but, also to effectively listen, can not be understated. That being said, it is surprising how many agencies still operate without an adequate comms suite. As technologies have evolved, so have solutions. However, there needs to be recognition that a problem exists in order for someone to look for a solution. There are many teams I meet with that truly believe they have an effective communications system via a lapel mic and and a coiled in-ear listening device. Now this format may work well in a patrol function for day to day work, but using that same platform in a tactical environment is an antiquated tactic at best.
For the purpose of this post we will focus on the noise canceling muffs. There are many benefits to this platform. One of the greatest benefit is the ability to provide hearing protection while still having access to communications. I can remember when I was an active team member, the range safety officers always called out for "eyes and ears". They saw the importance of hearing protection in a loud, high decibel environment where gunfire is taking place. Then we would go from there, hit a house where bangs were deployed, the possibility of gunfire was certainly present, we were indoors (as opposed to the outdoor range), and we had eye pro but nothing protecting our ears. Many teams still operate this way today. The claims of inability to effectively recognize shot location, has been debunked through technological advances in the products. Not only will the muffs provide incredible hearing protection, but they can also provide enhanced ambient sound as well. These features give the end user game changing capabilities that allow them to work more safely, more effectively, and more quietly. We rep and fully believe in the Atlantic Signal comms suites. We made the choice to pursue a relationship with Atlantic Signal because of their commitment to operator and quite simply because they are the best tactical communications manufacturer in the world. Atlantic Signal uses a 3M Peltor platform that is customized and married to the PTT that best suites the end users requirements. Their products are made, serviced, and repaired in the USA (in the great state of Kansas). Hit us up to set up and demo, and start hearing what you're missing.